Indonesia Internet Exchange: Connecting The Nation

  • Teman
  • Apr 21, 2023
Indonesia Internet Exchange: Connecting The Nation
PPT Bottom Up Indonesian Infrastructure PowerPoint


Indonesia, with a population of over 270 million, is the fourth most populous country in the world. Its internet usage has grown significantly in recent years, with more than 170 million internet users in 2023. As a result, the need for a reliable and efficient internet infrastructure has become a priority for the government and businesses alike. This is where Indonesia Internet Exchange comes in.

What is Indonesia Internet Exchange?

Indonesia Internet Exchange, also known as IIX, is a non-profit organization that provides a platform for internet service providers (ISPs) to exchange data traffic between their networks. It offers a neutral and secure environment for ISPs to interconnect and exchange traffic, which helps to reduce latency, increase bandwidth, and lower costs.

How does IIX work?

IIX operates multiple internet exchange points (IXPs) across Indonesia. An IXP is a physical location where ISPs can connect to each other and exchange traffic. The IXPs are connected by high-speed links, which allows ISPs to exchange traffic with other ISPs connected to the same IXP.

The Benefits of IIX

Connecting to IIX offers several benefits to ISPs, including:

– Lower latency: By interconnecting at IIX, ISPs can reduce the number of hops required to reach their destination, which results in lower latency and faster connections.

– Increased bandwidth: ISPs can exchange traffic with other ISPs at IIX, which increases the available bandwidth and reduces the need to purchase additional capacity from upstream providers.

– Lower costs: By exchanging traffic directly with other ISPs at IIX, ISPs can avoid the need to pay for expensive transit services.

– Improved network resilience: IIX provides a redundant and reliable platform for ISPs to interconnect, which helps to improve network resilience and reduce the risk of downtime.

The History of IIX

IIX was founded in 2003 to address the need for a neutral and secure platform for ISPs to interconnect and exchange traffic. Its first IXP was established in Jakarta, and it has since expanded to other cities across Indonesia, including Surabaya, Medan, and Bali.

The Future of IIX

As Indonesia’s internet usage continues to grow, the demand for reliable and efficient internet infrastructure will only increase. IIX is well-positioned to meet this demand, with plans to expand its network of IXPs and offer new services to its members.


1. Who can connect to IIX?

Any ISP that operates in Indonesia can connect to IIX.

2. How much does it cost to connect to IIX?

The cost of connecting to IIX varies depending on the location and the amount of traffic exchanged.

3. Is IIX secure?

Yes, IIX provides a secure and neutral platform for ISPs to interconnect and exchange traffic.

4. What is the difference between IIX and a transit provider?

A transit provider offers a service that allows ISPs to access the internet through its network. IIX, on the other hand, provides a platform for ISPs to exchange traffic directly with each other.

5. How does IIX benefit end-users?

By reducing latency, increasing bandwidth, and improving network resilience, IIX helps to provide faster and more reliable internet connections for end-users.


Indonesia Internet Exchange plays a crucial role in connecting the nation and providing a reliable and efficient internet infrastructure. By offering a neutral and secure platform for ISPs to interconnect and exchange traffic, IIX helps to reduce costs, increase bandwidth, and improve network resilience. As Indonesia’s internet usage continues to grow, IIX is well-positioned to meet the increasing demand for a reliable and efficient internet infrastructure.

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